Legion Meeting
October 22, 2020
- The regular membership meeting of Post 170 was called to order by the commander at 1900 hours with 13members & 1 being present
- Colors were posted, the POW/MIA chair was draped, followed by the opening prayer from Chaplin Mallet, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble of the American Legion was then recited.
- The roll call of officers was conducted with all officers being present except one.
- The reading of the minutes of the last meetings was read and approved.
- Membership: Voted and approved 4 new members for the SAL; Logan Cook (sp), William Busby, John Acuna(sp), and JR Watts.
- A brief finance report update was given. Back on track after a large amount of unexpected Post repairs.
- The Honor Guard: Nothing to report
- The report for sick call and relief: Chaplin Mallet gave prayer on the health of Dan Thomason and Ken Cushman.
- Post Service Officer Report & SAL Updates: The SAL now has 135 members for 2021. The SAL has purchased 4 new sections for the steam table. Cass stated President Trump has signed the new Suicide hotline bill. People will be able to call 988 to speak with someone.
- The Commander stated the “Smoke eater” in the game room has been repaired at no cost to the Post. Also, the City of Chanute received word their request for a grant on fiber inter-net was approved. The Legion should be getting this service from the city quicker than expected. The fund raiser dinner for Marie Hawkins gathered nearly $1,000.
- October 24th: The Chris Ellis fund raiser being held at the Erie Post to assist his wife Brandi
- October 31th: Halloween Party
- November 11th Veterans Day
- The 50/50 drawing was won by John Woods and he donated his winnings to the life membership fund. Manuel Aguilar’s name was drawn for the attendance drawing of $140.00, as he wasn’t present the next drawing will be for $150.00.
- Meeting adjourned at 1920 hours after closing prayer by Chaplin Mallet and the retirement of the colors.
- The next meeting is November 12th at 1900 hours. Only meeting in November due to Holidays.